Friday, October 8, 2010

Casual Power:: How to Power Up Your Nonverbal Communication & Dress Down for Success

Casual Power:: How to Power Up Your Nonverbal Communication & Dress Down for Success
Price: $8.69   

Product Description

What are you saying before you speak a word? Does your nonverbal communication limit your effectiveness? In this enlightening guidebook, Sherry Maysonave shows you precisely how to commnad respect, inspire trust, and project personal power when you dress down for business. She emphasizes the silent but potent - nonverbal aspects of clothing, demeanor, and body language. She reveals how nonverbal factors determine the responsse you receive from others factors that impact your ability to maximize success.

Sheery Maysonave puts an end to the confusion that surrounds casual attire in the workplace and social invitations requesting casual dress. In this groundbreaking book, she decodes the confusing catchall term "casual." For varied occasions, Sherry explains and clarifies two primary questions: 1) How dressed down is too casual? 2) How dressed up is not casual enough?

Using fascinating case studies, Sherry exposes the personal saboteur that works behind the scenes to undermine success. Personifying this conniving part of the human psyche, she introduces McSly, a friendly monster that seduces you into making choices that can disempower you. Sherry and McSly use real-life situations to show you exactly what casual apparel and what nonverbal communications sabotage or empower you and your career goals.

Sherry gives you key strategies for powering up your nonverbal communications and for taking control of your image. Using her expert tips, you can dress down with flair and confidence. Sherry's painless shopping strategies show you how to quickly examine clothing store inventories to find those garments that are empowering to you. Her secrets on creating wardrobe miracles are refreshing and exciting.

Sherry Maysonave brings needed clarity, sophistication, and wit to all dress-down issues in today's workplace. This inspiring, humorous, visually-rich book is the millennium's "How-To-Dress-Down-For-Success" bible. Log on to and find out how to enhance your personal power even more!

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